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Environmental Care, New & Renewable Energy

GreenWorks makes use of its new and renewable energy technology for the future of mankind



homenextBusiness FieldsnextPLANT

The environmental industry market is in the spotlight as "non-annex 1 countries", such as developing countries, have become able to proceed with domestic greenhouse gas reduction campaigns and can now negotiate reduction achievements in support of the greenhouse gas reduction goals of developed countries (annex-1 countries).
CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6
1. By combining the company’s original technology (fuel saving technology) and N2O treatment technology, we are developing safer and more efficient N2O treatment procedure technology.
2. Currently, we are collaborating with Mitsubishi of Japan and are participating in the CDM business industry. (We have completed or are working on 5 projects in Korea, Pakistan, and Thailand.)